Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah
39-year-old woman dies 4 days after second Moderna vaccine, autopsy ordered
Kassidi Kurill’s family said she had no known medical issues or pre-existing conditions, but her heart, liver and kidneys shut down after her second dose of the Moderna vaccine. Thu Mar 11, 2021 – 10:46 am EST March 11, 2021 (Children’s Health Defense) – A 39-year-old woman from Ogden, Utah, died Feb. 5, four days…
The Fall of the Cabal (Full Feature 10 Part Documentary)
Unshackled Minds A truth-teller named Janet Ossebaard from the Netherlands posted a carefully constructed and painstakingly created docuseries titled, “Fall of the Cabal.” As one might imagine, it goes into detail regarding real events and provides clear examples with a very compassionate purpose of exposing some of the horrific crimes of the cabal. View Post…
Pathogenic Priming: What Is It and Why Your Life May Depend on This
No matter which side of the fence you’re on with the short studies that have been done on these new shots for Corona the curiosity of how they will react in your body is a big concern. In case you haven’t heard of this term “pathogenic priming” here’s the important info that could save your…
The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine, Featuring Dr. Simone Gold, of America’s Frontline Doctors.
This information must be made available to every single person in our country….and the world. Go to www.stopmedicaldiscrimination.org and sign the petition if you haven’t. There’s an opportunity to donate, and I did but there’s no pressure to do it to sign the petition. View this video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vd3aur-dr-simone-gold-the-truth-about-the-covid-19-vaccine.html?mref=5fh9l&mc=2yuar
RETRACTED: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis
This was the study referenced by all the mainstream media when Trump and many doctors stated Hydroxychloroquine could be used as a treatment for COVID-19. After the damage was done, it was quietly retracted. Link to the RETRACTED study: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2820%2931180-6/fulltext
US doctors propose ‘Vaccine Bill of Rights’ to protect citizens from forced shots
‘No one – not the government, employers, nor any individual – should maintain the authority to force anyone to get vaccinated, and a Vaccine Bill of Rights in your state will ensure that they don’t.‘ February 24, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) With a push for vaccine mandates on the rise, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) has provided a tool to assist state law makers…
Report: Georgia Mother of Two Dead After Receiving Covid Vaccine
Brittany Hall Perez posted image of herself with Covid vaccination card to social media one day prior. A Georgia mother of two is being regarded as a Covid-19 immunization casualty after she appears to have died soon after receiving the vaccine. An obituary featured online by an Alabama-based funeral home for Atlanta resident Brittany Hall Perez, 39,…
NJ Legalization of Marijuana Creates Questions for Employers
In response to the recent amendment of New Jersey’s constitution to allow for recreational marijuana use, Gov. Phil Murphy signed into law the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act, which removes cannabis as a Schedule I drug and legalizes its use for adults 21 and older. While this new law will…
Frontline Doctor: FBI ‘broke down my door’ in swat team raid of 20 men
Dr. Simone Gold related the nature of her arrest, how the distribution of experimental vaccines violates the Nuremburg Code, and why COVID-19 censorship is a ‘crime against humanity.’ Tue Feb 23, 2021 – 9:43 am EST LOS ANGELES, California, February 23, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In a recent interview with Michelle Malkin, Dr. Simone Gold, founder of American Frontline…
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